Our fees are among the lowest in Melbourne.
Our standard of performance is among the highest.
Chorister Fees:
- An annual fee is paid, with a sliding prorata scale for partial membership
- Adults $250, including the $60 trust account
- Students $160, including the $60 trust account
- Supporters $50
Discounts apply for early payment.
- Our year is divided into three seasons
- Autumn season (Feb -to May): fees apply
- Winter season (Jun to Aug): fees apply
- Xmas season (Sep to Dec): free
- Events for which CHIME is paid may result in small honararia being paid to choristers.
Trust Account:
- Over the years CHIME has lost a significant quantity of original music. The Trust Account is your money, held by CHIME, from which deductions may be made if music is lost or defaced.
- On leaving CHIME, the balance of the Trust Account is returned to you.